Friday, May 6, 2016

Final Portfolio Work

For my final portfolio, i wanted a design that i thought really represented myself. I love nature and a more "boho" vibe, so, the images i found to use as watermarks on each page as well as the cover page, quote page, table of contents, and the final page were from Adobe Stock (wanted photos as high quality as possible). 
When looking at other previous portfolio assignments, what really caught my eye was the use of two pages to describe an image, so one can really get a good look at the work the other has done throughout the semester without having to shrink it down and ruin the overall quality of the photograph.
I feel as like this portfolio is a really good representation of my art work and i plan on possibly getting a professional version printed for myself. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Animation Project

For this project, for some reason, i decided to go the extremely hard route. I really enjoy Illustrator, so, making the puppets was no problem for me. But, i got extremely confused when using the program, After Effects. If i was to spend more time in After Effects, i would probably get the hang of using it, but, as of now i'm not the best with it. I struggled with adding music to the project because for some reason the music decided to delete my entire project at one point. Luckily, another student was here to help me get the file back after i thought i completely lost it. Overall, i had a lot of cool ideas for the project and i feel as if i completed it to my full potential due to how much time we were given to complete it. I LOVE illustrator, once again, but, i despise After Effects (i'm a premiere person). This was overall a great learning experience though and i can now say that i am pretty good with making animation puppets!

Story Board:

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Photoshop Collage

For my collage project i decided to have photographs of my family portrayed as "memories" through reflections on the water as i look out at the scenery Bayshore Blvd has to offer. 
I love my family and miss them all the time, so this project really means a lot to me. I decided to gray out my surroundings (i.e., the sky, the side walk, the ledge, the city skyline) because i wanted to have total focus on myself reflecting on all of the memories i have made with my family through these photographs the past couple of years. 
I am i huge Goo Goo Dolls fan so i used their song "Name" lyrics on the ledge i am leaning on. I decided to use these lyrics because they really add overall deeper meaning and show how it becomes easy to "lose yourself" in the grand scheme of things (growing up and moving away from your family). I tried to make the lyrics look as if they were carved into the Bayshore wall, making the text looking super realistic. The lyrics that are further down the wall say "the past is never far," which allows a play on the overall image because the text is far.. and the past is sitting right in front of me. 
Finally, i decided to make the sky filled with darker color clouds to add aesthetic value. Also, it shows emphasis on why there is color around myself and the water with the reflections in it.
Staring at the reflections makes me "happy" causing me to be colored in a "gray"world. My family and memories make me happy, aka color aspect :) 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Photoshop Magazine Cover

Photos used:

For this project i decided to really have fun with it. I really enjoy photoshop because it really allowed me to create an overall image that i could see myself designing in the future. Plus,  since we have been doing this project, i have used the skills i have learned to do similar types of magazine covers for a PR plan book. I believe that Illustrator is still my strongest program, but, photoshop has to be the second best project i feel as if i have completed. 
I decided to use the Relay for Life photo of me because because i am helping plan the upcoming RFL event. Since it is in less than a month, i really enjoy posting pictures of it to advertise, etc. even though it is the biggest non-profit event hosted on campus each year. I then decided to use the picture of me at the beach because i love going as much as i can. I grew up going to the beach so again, i decided to add a photo of something i enjoy. I also used the RFL logo because it really aids in the success of my overall magazine cover, it gives it a realistic magazine feel. I then decided to add in a picture of my friend and i at sorority recruitment last year since most sororities have begun the long recruitment practice process for the upcoming fall semester. 
I feel as if this cover really portrays an accurate description of my life here at UT, minus the academic aspect, maybe i should of included a picture of myself studying? Or maybe not. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Photoshop Self Insert Project

I really enjoyed this assignment. Realistically, i took a photo of myself from a cliff in Laguna Beach, California. With the insertion here, it is pretty cool that i looks like i am looking out from a cliff in Santorini, Greece, a place that i have only dreamed about going. Hopefully i can take a photograph similar to this there one day!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

HTML Project



window.onload = function() {
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context.moveTo(0, 50);
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context.moveTo(50, 300);
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context.moveTo(50, 350);
context.lineTo(100, 300);
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context.moveTo(75, 265);
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///line from right to left////
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////line from left to right///
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//intersecting line vertical///
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context.moveTo(750, 0);
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context.moveTo(700, 0);
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context.moveTo(200, 100);
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context.strokeStyle = '#FFFF00';
context.lineWidth = 1;

context.moveTo(150, 450);
context.lineTo(200, 500);
context.strokeStyle = '#FFFF00';
context.lineWidth = 1;

context.moveTo(200, 450);
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context.arc(500, 200, 150, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
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context.moveTo(370, 490);
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context.arc(340, 480, 75, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
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context.arc(250, 290, 50, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
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context.arc(290, 145, 30, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
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var grd = context.createRadialGradient(300, 130, 3, 300, 150, 30);
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grd.addColorStop(.4, '#666666');
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context.lineWidth = 1;

context.arc(500, 520, 45, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
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var grd = context.createRadialGradient(510, 500, 4.5, 500, 500, 45);
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grd.addColorStop(.5, '#990000');
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context.lineWidth = 2;

context.arc(680, 430, 100, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
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var grd = context.createRadialGradient(710, 350, 4.5, 670, 420, 100);
grd.addColorStop(0, '#CC3300');
grd.addColorStop(.5, '#990000');
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context.moveTo(265, 150);
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context.moveTo(270, 150);
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context.fillStyle = '#CCCCCC';

context.moveTo(215, 260);
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context.quadraticCurveTo(240, 270, 220, 265);
context.fillStyle = '#FFCC66';

context.moveTo(270, 320);
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context.fillStyle = '#FFCC66';

context.moveTo(540, 530);
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context.quadraticCurveTo(540, 540, 542, 520);
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context.moveTo(490, 545);
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context.quadraticCurveTo(515, 545, 500, 545);
context.fillStyle = '#663333';

context.moveTo(460, 530);
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context.quadraticCurveTo(480, 545, 465, 540);
context.fillStyle = '#663333';


context.moveTo(623, 345);
context.quadraticCurveTo(700, 440, 776, 460);
context.fillStyle = '#CC3300';

context.moveTo(715, 500);
context.quadraticCurveTo(700, 450, 715, 520);
context.fillStyle = '#CC3300';

context.moveTo(615, 450);
context.quadraticCurveTo(640, 530, 690, 520);
context.fillStyle = '#CC3300';

context.moveTo(600, 430);
context.quadraticCurveTo(655, 400, 670, 430);
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////////////////////////////////////// end above this line ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ


<canvas id="myCanvas" width="800" height="600"></canvas>

LINK TO HTML WORK: file:///Users/mariedoffermyre/Documents/PLANETS%20PROJECT.html

So, this project was super complicated for me. I always push myself to understand everything we cover in this course, but, i can say this project is something i really did not catch onto compared to Illustrator. I did enjoy this project after a while because i learned to memorize certain spots on the graph which helped, but, when graphing out my entire project i can say that i did stray from using certain points because it did not work, use radial gradients, create curves using the quadratic curve formula, and also used hexidecimal color coding. I can truly say i took a lot away from this project, but i am still lost when using some parts of the TextWrangler program, as well as coding. This was a very great tool/tactic to get to know though since i plan on taking web design in the upcoming fall semester and the course mainly consists of coding. Coding is a total guessing game, and i can say i am not the most successful at it.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Vector Illustration

For my Vector Illustration i did Kendall Jenner. I really enjoyed this project because it tested my ability to successfully use Illustrator. I find it really cool how i now know how to make someone appear in an illustration format. I will probably use this again in the future. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Exquisite Corpse

This is my finished Exquisite Corpse project. This project took me a really long time to complete and i definitely took a lot away from it. I learned so much about illustrator and all the tools such as the Blob brush, pen tool, different effects, etc. I decided to do a cityscape as the background for my fish because when i first looked at the image, i thought of New York City since the fish was wearing a blazer and had a brief case in its right hand. Overall, i am happy with how this assignment came out and hopefully since i became more familiar with illustrator, i can complete my next assignment with no issues. I decided to not fill in the buildings with windows or other details because i did not want to take away from my fish, since adding detail and having it take away from the focal point was my issue on the last assignment. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Final Logo for Cake and Carats Wedding Planners

Updated Reedit of Cake & Carats Wedding Planners Logo:

My logo for Cake & Carats Wedding Planners successfully shows the intended crowd of crazed "brides-to-be" that Cake and Carats is a chic, elegant, but versatile company that they can trust to organize their special day, no matter how large or dramatic it may be. The special part about this logo is that it is very simple with the use of neutral colors instead of loud, bright colors (i.e., blue, pink, red, orange, bright yellow). I feel that with the neutral colors i utilized, it makes this logo something that could be used even 50-100 years later. If i was to use bright colors instead, i feel as if this logo could easily become outdated and more on the childish, unprofessional, and not chic or elegant, like the overall brand is intended to be. 

Wedding cakes are something that have been around for hundreds of years, making another point to as of why i chose to use a wedding cake as part of the main focus behind my logo design. People easily recognize wedding cakes too, and when i think of weddings, i think of the beautiful cake someone will have there. Brides also put in a lot of focus on their wedding cake and what it will look like. So when seeing this logo, one can easily associate it with weddings without even reading the "Wedding Planners" text below. Another special part to this logo are the wedding rings at the top of the cake, instead of the traditional bride and groom. 

I chose to use wedding rings on top of the cake because it correlates directly with the company name "Cake & Carats." The word "Carats" used in the company name is a word one uses to describe how much a diamond weighs. In this case, Cake and Carats Wedding Planners mainly cater towards the higher end crowd, meaning that diamonds usually weigh more. 

Usually, a wedding cake that has a bride and groom at the top has the bride and groom cake toppers to not touch one another. I wanted to be different again and have the two wedding rings touch one another to show that we hope that your event goes to smoothly that you'll be together forever, and not want to let one another go. Even though the rings touching each other breaks the rules, i think that them touching each other is exactly what makes Cakes & Carats such a new, innovative, and exciting company. With the weddings rings touching each other, i also hope that is what gets people to remember the company the most. This logo i feel is the perfect type of logo to easily remember since it involves two of a weddings major key things: a wedding cake and two wedding rings. 

I also decided to make the ring on the left bigger than the one on the right because the one on the left is intended for a bigger finger. I also simplified the diamond and made it look and have more of a cartoon feel because i feel as if that is also something different to have as well in a logo like this. The cartoon feel brings to life a more goofy side, showing that nothing has to be too serious. 

I am so pleased with how this logo came out because i feel like it captured everything i was trying to get across. I'm happy to have made an elegant, chic, and high end logo that i know is definitely different from the hundreds of other wedding planning business logos. I know that this is different after doing research and noticing that no one really took this type of approach, they all just used more of a swirly kind of text and maybe a ring here or there, but nothing that really was simple in context to color choice and that included wedding rings and a wedding cake. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Delta Zeta Caligramme

For my Caligramme project, i decided to do a turtle, since it is my sorority's mascot. In my Caligramme i included words, quotes, and phrases that describe my sorority. I made the turtle outline a dark green in order to show dimension. I played around with typing on a line and distorting text using the Warp and Mesh tools. I decided to use a more formal font in the shell of the turtle because it is my sorority's creed, which is the foundation and values of which the initiated sisters hold themselves to. Since this is important i thought it should stand alone, and be bolded. I used Mesh and Warp on the EST 1902 in the feet of the turtle, and i also used it on the DZ on the head of the turtle. Using these tools took a lot of patience, but i can say that i learned a lot about Illustrator and my skills on the program during this project. I am pretty pleased with how my Caligramme turned out.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Logo Sketches for Cakes and Carats Wedding Planners

For my logo choice i would most likely chose the last logo, with the giant wedding cake and the rings on top, with the company name at the bottom of the cake. I feel as if this logo really represents the company. I would most likely make the cake white, with blue detailing, and make sure that the wedding ring really stands out at the top of the cake. For the name of the company at the bottom i would make sure the font is swirly but bold in black. I want the "Cake + Carats" to be in capital letters as well as bold, to really bring forth the name, and make it memorable as well.

Logo Critiques

Logo 1: Teavana 

When researching Teavana, i looked up their website to see if their logo matches the portrayed "style." The Teavana website, instead, was brightly colored, not matching the color scheme their logo portrays above. Besides the websites color scheme, the logo does accurately represent Teavana in the sense that the company wants their audience to know that they are "all natural." This logo appears very "natural" from the color schemes (i.e., burnt orange, dark plum purple). I personally enjoy the color choice that is represented in Teavana's logo. The style of this logo also is very "natural" and swirly, making it seem laid back and zen, the image that Teavana is trying to generate to their customers. The target audience for Teavana is probably ages 17-60's because Teavana is a company which one must be an avid, and informed tea drinker since you buy tea by the ounce, pound, etc (one must know the in's and out's of the tea business to really become interested in Teavana). I feel like this logo is a successful portrayal of the company because it is a very laid back, natural design, which again, is what a tea company pushes to advertise. People want to buy tea from an all natural based tea company, which here in the logo, is easy to see that Teavana is.

Logo 2: Tory Burch Emblem

My second logo is the Tory Burch emblem. The target audience for this logo i would estimate is ages 20-50, but more in a high end sense, since the brand is expensive. The logo is definitely successful in reaching this audience because the emblem, especially when walking around and seeing people who carry the Tory Burch bags know of the brand name. The emblem is a burnt orange color, but also varies to black as well. I feel like both colors are very classy, which compliments the overall brand very well since the brand tends to be in the more classy/upscale crowd. The emblem matches the overall design of the Tory Burch Website, with it being simplistic, and very bold. The Tory Burch website is plain, bold, but classy. I think the simplicity is what really draws people to remember this logo, making the Tory Burch emblem a successful logo for the company, as well as appealing to the customers. 

Logo 3: Vineyard Vines

The third logo i chose to analyze is the Vineyard Vines logo. The logo's target audience is ages 10-50. The company Vineyard Vines caters to children, teens, and adults. When someone sees a pink whale, especially here on the UT campus, everyone knows that the sticker/logo on a t-shirt, etc. is representing Vineyard Vines. I feel like this logo is very good at reaching the target audience because it is versatile, simple, and represented through stickers, logo t-shirts, etc. The brand is very good at advertising through this simplistic whale image. The color choice appeals to all age groups, since pink is more of a "preppy" color, which guys, especially on the UT campus do wear a lot. I would expect to see this brand mainly in areas where guys dress preppy and enjoy the color pink. The pink whale appeals to girls, obviously, but also like the guys, mainly towards the preppy girl crowd. The style of the logo again is so simplistic that it is very easy to remember. Vineyard Vine's website style also appeals towards the look the logo gives off because it is set up in a very simplistic, preppy, colorful manor. I feel that their simplistic use of a whale is what makes Vineyard Vines so successful. 

Logo 4: Chipotle

My fourth logo is Chipotle. The Chipotle logo gives a very warm, Mexican cuisine feel. This logo goes identically with the Chipotle website as well as the restaurant design since it simply shows what they serve just by the writing and chili pepper shown. Chipotle's target audience can be noted to be anyone, all ages, since they serve kids meals and food that anyone who enjoys Mexican cuisine could possibly want. I feel like this logo is successful reaching such a broad audience because it simply displays what Chipotle is, it isn't anything too complex. The color choices are perfect for a restaurant like Chipotle because i feel like those colors are what people think of when thinking of Mexican food. The curvy circle, and swirly chili pepper show how Chipotle used a style element to portray the laid back environment they offer in their restaurant, showing that they are not an expensive, high end restaurant, but instead a more simplistic, easy going place to eat. 

Logo 5: Lilly Pulitzer 

My fifth logo is Lilly Pulitzer's logo. The logo's target audience i would say are ages 10-50 because a children's line is offered, and they cater to teens, and adults as well. Also Lilly Pulitzer is known to appeal more to the preppy crowd as well since a lot of their clothing and accessories are higher end and consist of colorful, bright patterns that not everyone would enjoy. I feel like the logo is successful with reaching this target audience because the specific palm tree and swirly font that the company uses is widely know. The color choices, pink and green, are something that accurately represent what the overall brand is trying to achieve, which is a preppy following. The style of this logo shows exactly what the brand is, a "resort wear" preppy clothing and accessory line that consists of bright, and colorful patterns. I feel like this logo makes for a successful logo for the Lilly Pulitzer company because of being simplistic, but also bright and colorful, which is what makes it so rememberable. The logo also fits in with the website because the website is fun, colorful, and really bright, and also uses the same exact font that is featured with the logo. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Ideas for my Fictional Company Logo

Idea 1: 

My first idea company idea is for a wedding planner. The company name would be one of three names: 

  • iDo Wedding Planners
  • Happily Ever After Wedding Planners
  • Cake and Carats Wedding Planners  

Idea 2: 

My second idea is to start an all natural body wash company. The company name would be something along the lines of:

  •  Back to Nature All Natural Body Wash
  • Back to Earth All Natural Body Wash 

Idea 3: 

My third idea is to start a personal clothing shopper company. The brand name would be "Chic for You," since the employee would be shopping the latest trends for the customer. 

Idea 4: 

My fourth idea is a social media consulting company.  A logo for a social media consulting company needs to be something that makes relevant that they are boosting buzz for ones company, but must have a creative name such as:

  •  Follow Me
  •  Bsocial

Idea 5: 

My fifth idea would be a personalized tea company called "Your Cup of Tea" where customers can come in and pick whatever type of tea leaves they want, and either buy in bulk or in small amounts. They can also mix different types of tea leaves to create their own tea creation. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Who Am I? And What Do I Expect To Learn In the Next Few Months?

Hi, I'm Marie Doffermyre and here's a little bit about me:

Being from a small town in Maryland, where the Chesapeake Bay surrounds almost everywhere (if you know about how bad the pollution is in Maryland, it's not a pretty sight), i desperately needed a change in scenery. Two years ago, the University of Tampa sounded like the perfect choice for a simple girl like me, and i'm happy to say that it still is. Going to such a small school has served me great when growing as an individual as well as providing me so many great opportunities to become involved around campus. I love that i am able to create a personable relationship with my professors here at UT, instead of simply being a number, which is what i would have been if i went to a large state university like most of my friends back in Maryland.

Going over 1,000 miles away from home for college was a major leap for me. Over the past two years here i have become involved in the sorority Delta Zeta, and also hold an executive position on the planning committee of one of University of Tampa's largest events, Relay for Life.  Being busy is something i have always enjoyed, i hate having nothing to do, so i am always looking for volunteer opportunities. When i am not doing sorority related activities or helping plan the 2016 Relay for Life event, i love exploring Tampa, hanging out with my friends, and even just laying in bed watching Netflix. 

When i signed up for Art 210, i was eager and very excited. In high school i was convinced that i would get into graphic design because i love art and have always been very creative. The reason why i love being apart of the communications program at UT is because of all the different ways i have been able to use my creativity in classes so far. With Art 210, i expect to learn photo editing skills that will be useful for me down the road since my dream job is to be a creative director at an advertising agency. I also am fascinated with photoshop. I find it amazing what a person is able to do in a click of a button, thus leading them to distort, better, or completely add their own creative twist to an image that was different seconds ago. I cannot wait for this course to better, and also challenge my creative and critical thinking skills.